Michael draws inspiration and knowledge from numerous health practitioners (Medical Doctors, Naturopathic Physicians, herbalists, nutritionists, etc.) that he has learned and continues to learn from through various mentorships, seminars, classes, and conversations. The following individuals are some of his most significant influences.
Personal Mentors
Dr. Van Beveren, PhD
Nutritional Biochemist & Clinical Physiologist Michael began his studies in nutritional biochemistry, live blood cell microscopy and other areas of wholistic healing with Dr. Van Beveren as an apprentice in September 2012. In May 2015, Michael became an associate of Dr. Van's practice, where he grew his clinical practice for three years. Michael continues to incorporate vital elements into his practice that he learned from his mentor. |
Michael Cannizzaro
(April 4, 1948 - January 11, 2014)
Clinical Nutritionist and Herbalist
Mr. Cannizzaro was Michael's first mentor in the healing arts and sciences, specifically in nutritional and western herbal medicine. His mind was brilliant, his heart was full of love, and his spirit connected with many dimensions of reality. He had a profound understanding of ancient eternal knowledge. Michael learned so much about life, the world, and the human spirit through Michael Cannizzaro.
(April 4, 1948 - January 11, 2014)
Clinical Nutritionist and Herbalist
Mr. Cannizzaro was Michael's first mentor in the healing arts and sciences, specifically in nutritional and western herbal medicine. His mind was brilliant, his heart was full of love, and his spirit connected with many dimensions of reality. He had a profound understanding of ancient eternal knowledge. Michael learned so much about life, the world, and the human spirit through Michael Cannizzaro.
Major Influences
The following health practitioners are those who I've drawn a powerful influence from. Their teachings have generated invaluable knowledge & wisdom in my life.
Donald R. Yance, MH, CN, RH (AHG), SFO
Clinical Nutritionist & Registered Master Herbalist http://www.donnieyance.com/ David Winston, RH Registered Herbalist & Ethnobotonist https://www.davidwinston.org/dw-bio.html |
Joseph R. Scogna, Jr. (1949-1989)
Life Energy Research |